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CALL FOR PROPOSALS for social companies and NGOs for testing of innovative approaches and pilot solutions

Frequently asked questions

Based on the received inquiries for the Open Call for Proposals for social companies and NGOs for testing innovative approaches and pilot solutions, we are publishing the frequently asked questions and answers that may help in resolving any potential doubts related to the mentioned call. Please find on this link FAQ.

CALL FOR PROPOSALS for social companies and NGOs for testing of innovative approaches and pilot solutions

Published CORRIGENDUM No.3 to Open call for proposals for social companies and NGOs for testing of innovative approaches and pilot solutions. Please find it here

CALL FOR PROPOSALS for social companies and NGOs for testing of innovative approaches and pilot solutions

Published CORRIGENDUM No.2 to Open call for proposals for social companies and NGOs for testing of innovative approaches and pilot solutions. Please find it here

CALL FOR PROPOSALS for social companies and NGOs for testing of innovative approaches and pilot solutions

Published CORRIGENDUM No.1 to Open call for proposals for social companies and NGOs for testing of innovative approaches and pilot solutions. Please find it here

28 mar 2024

ADP-Zid within the project: "EICEE – Western Balkan Eco Innovation and Circular Economy Ecosystem" opens

CALL FOR PROPOSALS for social companies and NGOs for testing of innovative approaches and pilot solutions

The Association for Democratic Prosperity – Zid from Montenegro, along with CEDRA Split, Croatia; Deli - Space for Creative Activity, Niš, Serbia; ARNO, Skopje, North Macedonia; Lens, Priština, Kosovo and Green Building Council, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina are running a project titled "EICEE – Western Balkan Eco Innovation and Circular Economy Ecosystem". This project, funded by the European Union, focuses on promoting green and digital transition in the region.

Project proposals that should contribute to the sustainable economic development and development of middle development NGOs and social enterprises dealing in the sector of the circular and green economy, shall be submitted no later than 27.05.2024 until 16:00 CET.

We invite applications from social enterprises and NGOs from Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia, Kosovo and Bosnia and Hercegovina that contribute to the active engagement of the network of social economy actors which endorses the creation of a supportive ecosystem for green and circular economy development.

Call for proposals specifically focuses on testing innovative approaches and pilot solutions through social companies and NGOs. It aims to expand the network of social actors contributing to the ecosystem's development and increase public interest in the project. In order to be eligible for participation in this call, the applicant must meet all criteria as follows: • be a legal person and • be non-profit-organization • be a social enterprise, depending on the legislation of the country in which they are registered, prove their status and non-profit activity • be established in Bosna and Hercegovina or Serbia or North Macedonia or Kosovo or Montenegro at least 12 months before the deadline for submission of project proposal with an annual turnover of at least 20,000.00 euros, with a statute and implemented projects proving the field of work.

Applications must be submitted with filled: Application form and Budget Proposal. Please read carefully detailed Guidelines prior to filling these forms. Applications must be submitted in electronic version in pdf form, at the email address: eicee@cedrasplit.hr with Subject: EICEE project proposal

If needed, further information can be obtained by sending questions to eicee@cedrasplit.hr, no later than 17.05.2024 , with email subject reference: “Open Call for proposals for social companies and NGOs for testing of innovative approaches and pilot solutions- question”

The amount of funds allocated to the Grant Scheme is 210,000.00 €. At least 7 project ideas will be supported through the call. The minimum amount of the grant will be 17,500.00 €, and the maximum amount will be 30,000.00€.

The maximum amount of funds provided for staff salaries/fees, office expenses and possible costs of purchasing equipment must not exceed 70% of the total costs of the entire project, whereas the maximum amount for staff salaries/fees is 40%. Financial reports of the subgrants will be subject of an external audit. In the case of submission of partnership projects, only one organization - the project lead applicant - will be directly responsible for managing the financial resources of all partner organizations in the project. This call encourages cooperation with local institutions, but also with other NGOs so that even those organizations that are less developed could get a possibility to be supported through this call.

Total costs imply total value of the project and cannot be co-financed. Applicants may not propose financial support to third parties.

The full application package can be downloaded here.